True/False is elated to present the 2023 poster design and key art for THIS IS A TEST — a massively collaborative effort between the creative minds in our Columbia community, True/False’s talented graphic designer, Clint McMillen, and visual artist, Mollie Hosmer-Dillard.
For this project, Hosmer-Dillard hosted nine painting workshops in Columbia, Missouri with about 15-20 participants each. Some workshops were open to the public, and some were at True/False Art’s community partner public schools. All participants were invited to paint elements of a “contraption” on a single, wooden, laser-cut arrow, and these arrows fit together to create one large painting. Preparations included making marks on each arrow so that the lines and shapes on them would connect with the other arrows around it, like one of the surrealists’ “exquisite corpse” games. This piece was truly a collaborative effort at every level, with more than 150 people making contributions to the final painting.
Multi-Vocal painting created by: Mollie Hosmer-Dillard
Poster Design by: Clint McMillen, Ragtag Film Society Graphic Designer
Arrow art by: Abdul, Adrian, Aiden, Ajith, Al, Alanah, Alice, Alise, Aliza, Allison, Alyssa, Amanda, Amosa, Andrea, Angel, Anmar, Anna, Anthony, Arianna, Arin, Ashanti, Audra, Bailey, Barbie, Bee, Ben, Ben, Ben, Boo, Brian, Briana, Brooklyn, Cailey, Caitlyn, Camelia, Camellia, Camila, Carlayjia, Cas, Charlotte, Charlotte, Chloé, Chloe, Christian, Clara, Colton, Craig, Cy, D’Shonda, Darryl, David, Davii, Destiny, Dianna, Dominic, Dylan, Elena, Elia, Ellen, Ellinor, Elliott, Eric, Erin, Evelyn, Faramola, Farasat, Favour, Fay, Fredy, Gabriel, Genna, George, Gina, Giselle, Grace, Grace, Hailey, Haley, Hanna, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Harper, Harrison, Heather, Hillary, Isabel, Isaiah, J.R., Jackie, Jackson, Jae’dyn, James, James, Jarel, Jason, Jeremiah, Jermeon, Jet, Joaquin, Joie, Johnathan, Jordan, Jude, Julie, Julieta, Julius, Kailynn, Karen, Katie, Katrina, Kerri, Kevin, Khalid, Kim, Kyran, Lakiya, Layla, Laynie, Layveontay, Leah, Leah, LeeAnne, Leo, Leo, Levin, Liam, Lindsey, Lindsey, Lucas, Lucas, Lynn, Maddox, Madison, Maisie, Mallory, Mars, Mary, Megan, Mel, Melba, Michael, Mike, Miranda, Mitchell, Mohamed, Mollie, Morgyn, Nakiya, Nancy, Natalie, Naweza, Pam, Parma, Patricia, Payton, Phoebe, Qenli, Rachael, Rahsaan, Reagan, Rebecca, Richard, Richard, Riley, Robin, Samantha, Sara, Savannah, Scott, Serena, Shaunda, Shawn, Sky, Stacie, Steven, Stokley, Tae, Talon, Tanner, Terrence, Theo, Tim, Ti’Aisha, Tia,Tyree, Veronica, Weston, Yunjin, and Zylin.