True/False is a project of the nonprofit Ragtag Film Society (EIN: 04-3770411), which also operates the year-round Ragtag Cinema in Columbia, Missouri. Ragtag Film Society is made possible, in part, by the generous financial support of donors who believe in our mission to captivate and engage our communities in immersive arts experiences that explore assumptions and elicit shared joy, wonder, and introspection.
During the month of December, Ragtag Film Society takes part in the annual community-wide fundraiser, CoMoGives. This annual appeal is True/False & Ragtag Cinema’s most important fundraiser. You can support the future of groundbreaking nonfiction cinema by giving to Ragtag Film Society before the year ends. Your contribution, whether one dollar or one hundred, makes a massive difference in our nonprofit. Donate today to foster the future of independent film.

By donating to RFS, YOU keep this community engaged with unique arts and educational programs all year long. Whether it’s with new nonfiction films, up-and-coming musicians, thematic large-scale art installations, or educational programs during True/False Film Fest or the year-round movies, community discussions, and special events and series at Ragtag Cinema, we could not survive without the generosity of our donors.Â
All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law, and general contributions will be shared between the operations of our two programs, unless designated to a particular fund or program. Contact Director of Communications, Emily Edwards at [email protected]Â to learn more about our designated funds: Legacy Fund, Pay The Artist!, True Life Fund, Diana Liscum Education Fund, and more!
Publicly traded securities can be used to make an outright charitable gift. If you’ve held on to it longer than one year, you are entitled to a charitable deduction from your income tax for the full market value of the securities. You may also be able to defer capital gains taxes, depending on the type of gift. Contact Emily Edwards at [email protected] for instructions on stock or wire transfers.
Americans over 70.5 can distribute up to $100,000/calendar year from an IRA to nonprofits, tax-free. This distribution can benefit the donor by reducing their gross taxable income and have significant impacts on nonprofit programming. To do this, contact your IRA plan administrator to send a check for any amount to Ragtag Film Society (10 Hitt St. Columbia, MO 65201) Attn: Emily Edwards.Â
There’s a reason high net worth individuals tend to donate property instead of cash. TAXES! Donating cryptocurrency directly to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit is more tax efficient and can save you money. By partnering with The Giving Block, Ragtag Film Society can accept donations from over 80 different cryptocurrencies.
A bequest is a gift from your estate—a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate planning. You can make a bequest by including language in your will or living trust or by designating Ragtag Film Society as a beneficiary for a percentage of your remaining retirement or life insurance policy. RFS encourages anyone considering a bequest to discuss it with their estate-planner. Email [email protected] about our Planned Giving Form.
Checks made out to Ragtag Film Society can be mailed or delivered to Ragtag Cinema (10 Hitt St. Columbia, MO 65201) Attn: Emily Edwards. If you have a special request or dedication of the funds, please include a letter or note in the memo.
Cash can also be delivered in a sealed envelope with Attn: Emily Edwards during open box office hours. We do not recommend mailing cash.
By connecting smile.amazon.com to your Prime account, Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Ragtag Film Society and sends financial support at no cost to you.
Visit https://smile.amazon.com/ch/04-3770411 to set it up.
Ragtag Film Society’s Legacy Fund was established in 2013 by Bill Bondeson and Linda Butterfield Cupp. This endowment-type fund serves as long-term assurance that Ragtag Cinema and True/False Film Fest will live on in this community. The goals of the fund are to:
Assure the long-term health, vitality, and sustainability of the Cinema and Fest.
Provide robust educational media literacy tools to Columbia youth.
Assure the Cinema and Fest remain affordable for the average Columbia resident.
The minimum contribution to this fund was $5,000 in cash or stock.

Many thanks to our Inaugural Legacy Fund supporters:
Dianna Adkison
Bill Bondeson and Linda Butterfield CuppÂ
Diane Booth and Jeanne Sebaugh
Ron and Judy Carter
Marilyn Coleman and Lawrence Ganong
Kathleen Ehrhardt
Barbara Fairman
Michael and Emy Friedman
Bill and Barb Froke
Joanne Fulton
Barry and Pam Gainor
Betsy Garrett
Carol Hurt
Aaron and Nikki Krawitz
Robin & Alex LaBrunerie
Doris Littrell
Amy McCombs
Ann and David Mehr
Peggy and Richard Poe
R. Michael and Susan E. Roberts
Margie Sable
Jerry and Judy Schermer
Sally Silvers
Tom Smith
Charles & Jan Swaney
Vicky Riback Wilson
Harriet and Bill Yelon
D&BJ Family