The True/False 2024 poster takes us on a winding journey of outstretched hands and open doors. This year’s theme embraces the contradiction of True/False. The Fest exists to carve out space for nuance and complexity. With this theme, we attempt to hold multiple conflicting ideas at once and interrogate whether there can ever be one real truth. Humans must often exist in the in-between of contradiction, intentions and actions sometimes taking different paths, searching for logic to explain the illogical. Instead of passing judgment on inconsistency, we are reframing contradiction, looking towards the possibility in paradox and the expansion in the ability to exist outside of the expected.
Prompted by the festival’s theme, The Human Paradox, artists Sukutangan created a pathway circus inspired by Walt Whitman’s poem:
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
“While working on ideas for this piece, we found ourselves haunted by the prose of Walt Whitman, particularly the imagery of having many different pathways branching out and contradicting each other. A multitude of lines appear to create a map which unfolds from the palm of our hands – an entire world and all its possibilities within our grasp. We contradict ourselves all the time. We are large, we contain truths and faults, we contain multitudes.”
Sukutangan, which could be loosely translated from the Indonesian language as “a tribe of hands” is Genta and Ndari – Balinese graphic designers, illustrators, and art directors. Their work consists mostly of book cover design, animation, and illustration, including clients from Princeton University Press, Oneworld Publications, Asymptote Journal, and The Jakarta Post