Ringleaders - True/False Film Fest


Each year, a (mostly) new crop of Ringleaders assume the coveted role of magnanimous festival emcees. Seen on stage before and after all screenings, they facilitate snappy introductions and attentive Q&As with the special guests here to present their films to True/False audiences. The responsibility of being a Ringleader is offered to industry professionals and festival friends from across the world, who have demonstrated the chops necessary to be an agent of True/False, to lure them to the middle of Missouri. It is always a privilege and a delight to have each of them here working with us for this brief but bustling weekend.

2025 Ringleaders

Steve Bognar, Ohio-based documentary filmmaker

Bedatri Datta Choudhury, Journalist and festival programmer

Brit Fryer, Filmmaker (Tessitura, The Script)

Chase Whiteside, Filmmaker

Daniel Hymanson, Filmmaker

Emily Mkrtichian, Filmmaker

Eric Hynes, Film Critic & Curator of Film at Museum of the Moving Image

Hillary Bachelder, Filmmaker

Inney Prakash, Curator of Film at the Asia Society/Artistic Director of Prismatic Ground

Ingrid Roettgen, Documentary Editor and Filmmaker

Julian Carrington, International Features Programmer, Hot Docs

Jasmín Mara López, Filmmaker

Katie Mathews, Filmmaker / Professor at Hunter College

Kayla Myers, Director of Programming at Indie Memphis

Kiyoko McCrae, Program Director, Chicken & Egg Films

Naeema Jamilah Torres, Filmmaker + Executive Director of Mezcla Media Collective

Ruun Nuur, Co-founder of NO EVIL EYE CINEMA and Features Programmer at Cleveland International Film Festival

Samah Ali, Festival and Inflight Entertainment Programmer

Seth Gadsden, Filmmaker & Educator + Co-Conspirator, Femme Frontera & Media Arts Center San Diego

Zuri Obi, Film & Conference Programmer at New Orleans Film Society

David Wilson, Co-Conspirator, True/False Film Fest

AMBER LOVE Fest Programmer


OUMA AMADOU Ragtag Cinema Programmer & Community Partnerships Coordinator

CHLOE TRAYNER RFS Artistic Director

& your friendly Programming Coordinator and Ringmaster MAYA BELL