Hosted by funnyman Johnny St. John, the show is a unique night of skilled discernment and controlled mayhem, featuring celebrity judges: producer Al Morrow, star Ameena Matthews (The Interrupters), and director Dennis W. Ho (Subway Preacher) Remaining tickets go on sale noon Thursday at the T/F box office. Congratulations to the finalists:
* “Chasing Chairs” by Sara Neitzert
* “Lucky Lindy” by Brian Maurer
* “Eckankar” by Ryan Walker
* “The Jake Show” by Asa Lory
* “David Andersson: The Man With a Tail” by Chip Gubera and Ben Kaplan
* “Tropical Missouri” by Elliot Reed”
* “Potty Patrol” by Brian Maurer
* “For Sammy Fein” by Gordon Rogers
* “Deer Camp: Tale of the Scratchers Tickets” by Frank Finley
* “Dr. Bodysnatcher” by Justin Gregory