Resurrection - True/False Film Fest


A filmmaker returns to his hometown where villagers honor the deceased by excavating and transporting the bodies to their new resting grounds.
Director: Dir. Hu Sanshou
Runtime: 113
Fest Year: 2025
Producer Hu Sanshou
Hu Sanshou revisits his rural Chinese hometown, where the building of a new tunnel is forcing the relocation of its burial grounds. The villagers unite to exhume and transport the bodily remains, slowly revealing the past’s cascading effect into the present. After an austere opening sequence documenting the construction, Hu composes vignettes for each individual. First, the locals dig up the grave and reconstitute the skeleton, bickering and bantering while they work. Next, we are immersed in the memories of those who knew them, painting a collective portrait of the person and the politics of their lifetime. Hu chronicles the movement of the dead as a form of contemplation, excavating an authentic revelation of history. This audacious film shows the harsh realities of a community that has endured adversities and continues to do so today. (MG) This film features images of human remains.