Caballerango - True/False Film Fest


A haunted look into the soul of a rural Mexican town in the wake of the death of a horse wrangler.
Director: Juan Pablo González
Runtime: 1:00
In-person: Director Juan Pablo Gonz��lez
Fest Year: 2019
A man disappears in the Mexican state of Jalisco under the watchful eye of its inhabitants. Caballerango retraces the trail of his ghost and contemplates the last day anyone saw him. Nando was the youngest apprentice of his father, Jose, a lifelong horse wrangler. The film’s magnificent, melancholic tone forms the backdrop for interviews capturing familial loss and longing. This chorus of voices also tenderly explores the community’s daily rituals. Evocative cinematography grasps the landscape, the ranches, and the pair of white horses to which Nando and his father tended, painting an eerily patient portrait of an inexplicable tragedy. The film harnesses an ethereal sensation around a mysterious incident that shook this small town. Director Juan Pablo González investigates this moment of grief and grapples with his own feelings of bereavement. (AG)