Mimi - True/False Film Fest


Mimi Chiola has been waiting her whole life for an audience to dazzle with her star power. True Vision recipient Claire Simon’s camera captures a day in her life.
Director: Claire Simon
Runtime: 1:45
In-person: dir. Claire Simon
Fest Year: 2017
True Vision recipient Claire Simon films her friend Mimi Chiola with a comfortable camaraderie as the pair stroll through the streets of Mimi’s hometown of Nice and the mountain village of Saorge. Encounters with strangers and friends offer surprising discussions of trains, a rap performance, and casual serenades. These chance meetings frame Mimi’s recollections of her childhood, full of serendipitous and strange occurrences, and her enchanting life. Holding fast to an ease that mimics the rhythms of daily life, Simon resists any urge to simplify Mimi’s life into a linear narrative, allowing her on-screen persona to manifest into something beguiling in her charisma and striking in complexity. This masterpiece is bighearted, star-making portraiture of the highest order. (AS)