Fest Digest No. 5: Peaceful Moments - True/False Film Fest Fest Digest No. 5: Peaceful Moments - True/False Film Fest

March 3, 2012

Fest Digest No. 5: Peaceful Moments

Many new photos are now on the T/F Photos page, including this thoughtful portrait of forty-seven cupcakes by Scott Patrick Meyers:

I asked T/F travel coordinator Mary Jane Gibbons what moments of joy she’d experienced during the fest so far. She’d been up till 2 a.m the night before on hold with Continental Airlines for “three cumulative hours over a four-hour period.” My mind froze. “There are probably no moments of joy for me,” she added with equanimity. “Not for me. Not here. Not during this weekend.” Then she went on to describe with great affection how happy she was to meet Xun “Fish” Yu, director of Vanishing Spring Light, whom she’d flown here from China. Then she begged me to find someone willing to drive to Kansas City to pick up a famous comedy writer within the hour.

T/F production manager Justin Arft materialized. I asked him to tell me something blogworthy. I am a journalist. “The fact that we actually got the Picturehouse up and running is a miracle,” he said. “It’s the biggest buildout we’ve ever had, with a mostly amateur crew. Sixty risers, staging, half a mile of drape… We planned everything on paper. We had no physical knowledge of how it was going to work.” He gingerly lifted a complimentary burrito from the table, concluding, with hard-won pride: “All of our calculations were correct.” Indeed!