Africa Addio (N/N) - True/False Film Fest

Africa Addio (N/N)

A blistering indictment of the European nations who spent centuries plundering the African continent only to recklessly abandon it during decolonization. Screens for free as a part of the Neither/Nor Film Series. Neither/Nor is presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.
Director: Gualtiero Jacopetti & Franco Prosperi
Runtime: 2:20
Fest Year: 2016
Warning: Contains extremely graphic content, including footage of an execution.Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi’s widely maligned and misunderstood follow-up to Mondo Cane,Africa Addio begins with the ceremonious exit of the British government from Nairobi, Kenya, on Dec. 12, 1963, and proceeds to offer a collage of scenes from around the African continent at the moment when all but the most stubborn of European powers have begun to pull up stakes on their colonial holdings. Occasional bits of comic relief—a public slide-show teaching a new black supremacist curriculum, tribal warriors receiving government-issue boxer shorts from the Sudanese Legion of Decency, a couple of lions being interrupted in flagrante delicto by tourists honking their car horns—are few and far apart. The presiding tone of Africa Addio is one of an all-encompassing mournfulness for both the departing colonials and for their former black subjects who, as the voice-over postulates, have been left to their own devices without sufficient preparation for self-governance. (NP)Screens for free as a part of the Neither/Nor Film Series. Neither/Nor is presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.